Most Wanted on Imdb and Pan African Film Festival

I am walking out of church on a beautiful Sunday and my girl Reyna Amaya, who usually only text me to promote her funny comedy shows, sends me a message saying: "I saw you on the big screen!"
"What???", I answer, "The movie is not even finished yet!"
So apparently Dallas King (the director of Most Wanted) is doing such an amazing job that at 80% of post-production he snapped the opportunity to show the movie at the Pan African Film Festival (http://
Darn Damn! My friends are already seeing the movie, while I only saw snippets at the ADR sessions and have not even gotten the opportunity to meet some of the actors, besides on facebook and at the audition. But, I guess that is the life of an actress. lmao
Anyways, the excitement about this movie keeps rising. We are on IMDB now... I am the only lead talent that has not paid the fees for the profile... lol... Sorry, I rather invest in sound at the moment but it was fun to switch hats and become a villain for a few days and if someone feels like supporting my indie life by paying for the imbd, I will not stop you... lol Big applause to all the actors that manage to jump into a strong character and get out of it when the day is over. Hard work!
The Music
Release Date | 2012 |
Genre | Sci-Fi / Action |
Starring | Michael King / Yoshua Sudarso / Venus Leone / C'ris Dannuzio |
Directed By | Dallas King |
Written By | Dallas King |
Screenplay By | Dallas King |
Produced By | Dallas King |
Website |