My Ancestry Research

Did you come from Africa (Came here via slave ship), or were you already in the Americas (American Moors), or both?
With great pleasure, I am hereby sharing my findings
on my heritage:
I am very proud of my mix. I like to say, I give you the right to call me colored, because I am a rainbow. My maternal great-grand-mother was a Botocudo Indio from the Amazon (the ones that protect the Boto dolphins aka pink dolphins and became famous for their cannibalism. They used to eat their defeated enemies) and my great-grand-father was one of the African slaves and from my researches, Bantu. They were slaves in Brazil under the Alves family. I remember my grandmother having very dark skin and straight black hair. My mom's dad is black, probably also of Bantu origins. 40% of African slaves were shipped to Brazil and sold all over the American continent (as in North, Central and South). We could all be related.

Now in regards to the topic of keeping race pure, I have a reality check for you: Mixed people are smarter, healthier, faster and stronger. I am not saying this out of my ass, but it has been researched. There is no need to give you a source, just google it. God does not want us to stay separated. We are made to mingle!
- Venus